Thursday, March 26, 2009

a few tips to find contentment or peace without therapy!

i know we all lead busy lives. work, friends, dates, husbands, babies, house chores, chores, etc...
but you need to take a breather for yourself sometimes. no friends, no cell phones and no family.
this sounds like heaven but how? here's a list of five things i do and suggest you try to just feel content and happy with life.
  1. mani-pedi. (go alone, just enjoy the quiet and feel pampered)
  2. go for a walk around your block or to the nearest park. ( the park is just across my house so this works out great)
  3. no need to tivo your shows if its on abc, showtime or most channels check if they have a website that plays their full episodes. and log on and watch that episode with a good cuppa when its a good time for you. you can even do this while in the kitchen and making sure that new recipe that should bake for only 20 mins isnt burnt toast! also its easier if you dont have the added stress of remembering to tivo.
  4. a good book before you go to bed. some times your in bed and cant sleep. well read a good book, you will fall asleep and it will relax you.
  5. sometimes well shit happens! and you cant control it. now you have two options either panic and bitch or just realize its happened you can only do damage control not fix it! so stay calm and just go with the flow. losing your head will not help the situation! mostly say this to myself in such a situation. "i can either make peace with this and be content or panic and get all frustrated." its amazing how quickly i calm down as compared to when my husband decides to say' calm down, relax.'

if you have better suggestions. do tell me. i can do with relaxing tips.

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